LIBERTY Dental Plan (LIBERTY or "LDP") administers the dental benefit for most Medicare Advantage plans. LIBERTY provides benefits administration, customer service, processes dental claims and maintains the dental provider network.
LIBERTY makes certain language assistance services available to you at no cost. If English is not your preferred language and you need help communicating in your preferred language, you may call 888-703-6999 to ask what language services are available to you.
As a LIBERTY enrollee (including enrollees with disabilities), you have full and equal access to covered services as required under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Did you find information that you think may need to be updated in our provider directories? Click here to let us know so we can fix it. You may also notify LIBERTY about provider directory updates by calling 888-703-6999.
Please refer to your Evidence of Coverage for information on your LIBERTY member cost-sharing and benefits. For questions concerning your dental benefits or assistance in locating a participating dental provider, please call the number on the back of your member ID card.
*For some Medicare Advantage plans, LIBERTY also has an agreement with The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America (Guardian). Members on these plans should still only use this LIBERTY provider finder tool. Results will show both available networks (LIBERTY Dental Plan EPO proprietary network and Guardian’s nationwide DentalGuard Preferred Select DGPS PPO network). When speaking with dental offices, please reference the name of both networks (LIBERTY Dental EPO and DentalGuard Preferred Select (DGPS)).
If you see an out-of-network provider and paid out-of-pocket for covered services, you can complete a Dental Claim Reimbursement Request form. Benefits received out-of-network are subject to any in-network benefit maximums, limitations, exclusions and applicable medical necessity reviews. Out-of-network providers may charge more than what the plan pays, may not be willing to bill your plan and may require up front payment from you. Should your provider charge more than the plan will reimburse, you may be billed by the out-of-network provider for any differences.