Coronavirus - COVID-19 Resources

There has been a lot of information in the news about the current outbreak of a respiratory disease known as Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is watching over the COVID-19 outbreak and has advised the following actions to help prevent its spread:

  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Cover your cough at all times. Sneeze only with a tissue and throw the tissue away in a trash can. If you do not have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow, not your hands.
  • Practice healthy hand hygiene:
    • Wash your hands often. Do this with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
    • Wash your hands after using the restroom, blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
    • If you do not have soap and water, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects such as doorknobs, telephones, and computer keyboards.
For more information, please see additional resources below

Center for Disease Control (CDC) information on Coronavirus Link Icon
World Health Organization, Coronavirus Link Icon
U.S. Department of State Coronavirus - Related Travel Advisories Link Icon

Florida Department of Public Health Link Icon

Afterhours Care

LIBERTY covers emergency dental care. You can get emergency dental care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at any in or out of network office. Emergency care can be for pain, bleeding or swelling.

Call:Your Dental Home for instructions on how to proceed. If you cannot reach your Dental Home, call LIBERTY at 1-833-276-0850 (TTY 1-877-855-8039). LIBERTY’s 24 hour on call service will help you.

Coordination of Benefits

If you have other insurance that includes dental benefits, please complete the Coordination of Benefits form Link Icon

File a Grievance or Appeal

To submit a written Grievance or Appeal, please use the link below to print and mail to LIBERTY Dental Plan, or complete the online form below.

Enrollee Grievance & Appeals Form PDF Icon
Enrollee Grievance & Appeals Form Spanish PDF Icon
Submit Grievance or Appeal Online Link Icon

How can LIBERTY better serve you?

LIBERTY Dental Plan (LIBERTY) would like to know how to better serve your oral health needs. The Health Risk Assessment provides us a better understanding of your oral health.

Who is eligible?

If you are a Florida Medicaid recipient enrolled with LIBERTY.

How does it work?

Completing and returning the Health Risk Assessment is simple!

  1. Complete and send the Health Risk Assessment using one of the following options below:
  2. Done!


If you have questions or need help filling out the Health Risk Assessment, contact LIBERTY by calling us toll free at 1.833.276.0850 and let the agent know you need help filling out the Health Risk Assessment. Agents are available Monday through Friday, between 8:00 am and 7:00 pm EST. TDD/TTY users call 1.877.855-8039

Language Assistance

This information is available for free in other formats. Please contact our customer service number at 1-833-276-0850 or TTY 1-877-855-8039 Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (ET).

Enrollee Rights & Responsibilities

Enrollee Rights and Responsibilities can be found in the Enrollee Handbook you received upon enrollment. You can also view the Enrollee Handbook by clicking on the link below. If you have questions about your rights and responsibilities as an enrollee, please contact LIBERTY’s Member Services Department toll-free at 1-833-276-0850 (TTY 1-877-855-8039). Hours are Monday through Friday from 5:00 am to 5:00 pm PST.

Oral Health & Wellness Tips

LIBERTY cares about more than just teeth! We care for our enrollees' overall health and wellness. In order to help you better understand and ensure oral health in your home, we offer these valuable resources:

How do I report Fraud, Waste and Abuse?

To report possible unethical business practices or potential illegal activity regarding our health Plan, our providers, vendors, or recipients, you may contact LIBERTY:

Compliance Hotline: (888) 704-9833

Submit a FWA concern online Link Icon

Mail: LIBERTY Dental Plan Compliance Department

  • P.O. Box 15149
  • Tampa, FL 33684

You may remain anonymous if you prefer. All information received or will be treated as confidential, and the results of investigations will be discussed only with persons having a legitimate reason to receive the information.

Satisfaction Survey Results

  • Coming soon

Update Contact Info

If your contact info has changed, please let us know by submitting your updated contact details here:

Update Contact Info Link Icon

Healthy Rewards

It’s rewarding to visit the dentist!

LIBERTY Dental Plan designed our Healthy Behavior Programs to encourage our enrollees to take charge of their oral health. As a member of the FL Medicaid Program, you may be eligible to receive rewards like earbuds, gift cards, backpack, dental kits and more!

Who is eligible?

If you are covered under FL Medicaid, are enrolled with LIBERTY Dental Plan and are:
  • A pregnant woman, or
  • An Infant under age 1,
  • A child between the ages of 1 – 20, or
  • Enrollee that resides in a qualifying zip code
You may be eligible to receive a reward by enrolling in one of LIBERTY’s Healthy Behavior programs.

What Healthy Behavior Programs Are Available?

    ➢ “Healthy Moms & Babies” is a program designed to encourage our expecting mothers to complete a dental visit during their pregnancy. Also, they should take their infants to their first dental check up with the eruption of their first tooth or no later than their 1st birthday.

    ➢ “Healthy Habits” is a program designed to encourage our youngest enrollees ages 4 to 14 to practice good oral health by brushing at least 2 times a day for two weeks. They will also need to complete the challenge calendar at home.

    ➢ “Healthy Kids” is a program that allows our enrollees ages 2 to 20 to be reward for completing a dental visit within 180 days of enrolling with the plan and make 2 dental recall visits in the calendar year.

    ➢ “Rural Healthy Behaviors” is a program where if the enrollee resides in a qualifying zip code and completes basic dental services like a dental checkup and cleaning in person or through teledental.

How does it work?

Completing a Healthy Behavior program is simple!

  1. Visit your dentist and have a dental checkup and cleaning (or other preventive service) completed.

  2. Enroll in a Healthy Behavior Program

  3. Done!1 A reward will be mailed to you.

How do I enroll?

    ➢ By phone - Call LIBERTY, toll free at 1.833.276.0850. Let our staff know that you or your child would like to enroll in a Healthy Behavior Program. A staff member is available to speak with you Monday through Friday, between 8:00 am and 7:00 pm. TDD/TTY users should dial 1.877.855-8039

    ➢ By mail - print, fill out, sign and mail/ fax a copy of the FL Healthy Behavior Program Incentive Request Form to LIBERTY. The form is available by clicking here. Click here for a copy of the form.

    ➢ Online - Fill out the online FL Healthy Behavior Program Incentive Request Form Link Icon and press ‘submit’.

1Final rewards are only issued when all eligibility and criteria requirements for the program as explained above are met based on provider/claims data or other reliable sources. Please allow up to 6 weeks to receive your reward from the date of submission.

Over The Counter Benefit

As part of your Medicaid expanded benefits under Liberty Dental Plan, our Over-the-Counter (OTC) Benefit helps you access the tools you need to keep your teeth and gums healthy. This benefit allows you to get important oral health products to support your dental care and prevent problems.

Helpful Benefit Information

  • Your benefit allowance is included as part of your dental plan at no extra cost
  • Your quarterly benefit is $10 per person and/or $30 max per household
  • This quarterly benefit does not roll over
  • Any benefits not used will expire at the end of the quarter
  • If you disenroll from your plan, your OTC benefit will automatically end
  • Orders higher than the benefit amount, will need a separate payment to pay the difference (applicable sales tax will be applied to your order)

Place Your Order Online

Take advantage of the convenient online features made available to you by Click Here Link Icon

  • Browse OTC products offered to you
  • Access a digital copy of the OTC catalog
  • Manage your available balance
  • Track your order(s)

If you have other questions about how to place your order, call 877-475-3116 for help.